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 Missions: We believe that His last command is our first priority.

Preaching & teaching: Is central to our core values,  to minister God's Word, to equip and develop maturity. 

Praise & Worship: We believe God inhabits the praises of His people. 




Mission & Vision 

We are a Christ centred Church. Focused on the mission the Lord Jesus gave those who love Him to fulfil as outlined in Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. We believe the early church was a model for all Churches as outlined in Acts 2:46-47"So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved." 


We see a Church that honours God as first place in all we do! We see a Church where all ages feel secure and where each voice is heard. We see a Church reaching out to our community in friendship and a Church given to Godly wisdom. We see a Church not limited by our limitations. We see a Church moving beyond the horizon of our own experience, exhilarated in hope, standing firm in our faith, reaching out in generosity, preaching the name of Jesus, bible centred, partnering always with the Holy Spirit. We see an Acts Chapter 2 Church. 

Our Ten Key Values 

  1.  BIBLE We believe the Bible is God’s Word. It is an absolute of both moral and spiritual authority  

  2. THE CROSS We believe in the message of the cross. Christ came, died and was resurrected. We believe that Christ’s last command is our first priority; to preach the Good News  

  3. SPIRIT LED We believe the Holy Spirit is with us. His leading and work within every believer is essential for maturity. We embrace the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as experienced in Acts chapter 2 and the gifts of the Holy Spirit as outlined in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12.  

  4. PRAYER We see prayer as powerful. Through prayer, we access the throne of God.  

  5. HONOUR  We believe God has called every believer to honour! That we show honour toward one another and the individuality of every Christian Church. To honour the leaders of our country. To honour the fivefold ministry gifts given to the Church as outlined in Ephesians 4:11 Apostles â—¦ Prophets â—¦ Evangelists â—¦ Pastors â—¦ Teachers.  

  6. HOSPITAILTY We are inclusive and generous toward others and encourage healthy fellowship  

  7. LOVE  We believe the greatest distinction of the Christian Church is God’s love and that as His disciples, we display the love of God in word and in deed  

  8. JOURNEY  We respect the journey of others in their Christian walk, with understanding, love and compassion  

  9. JOY We believe the joy of the Lord is our strength and the expression of His joy is an accent to our identity as a Christian Church  

  10. GIVING  We believe in giving, not driven by forced direction, but from  a life of devotion. 

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